Suggested Reading

Deepak Chopra Spiritual GolfGolf for Enlightenment:
The Seven Lessons for the Game of Life
Deepak Chopra
Link to: Amazon

A very enjoyable book about a person who is learning to play golf. He (Adam) discovers that in order to become a good golfer, the same rules come into play that apply to having a rewarding and successful life.

Chopra teaches us sevens lessons to play golf and the game of life

  1. You and the ball are one – Be of one mind – live in unity, not separation
  2. Let the swing happen – without force, break the resistance
  3. Find the now and you will find the shot –
    being in the presence of the moment, concentrate (on the ball only)
  4. Play from your heart to the hole –
    belief in the connection between your desires and the outcome, your heart and mind
  5. Winning is passion with detachment –
    you are the silent witness, the observer at the center of activity
  6. The ball knows everything – trust in what is beyond you
  7. Let the game play you –
    letting go of control and stop trying to steer the river. (p. 197-198)

Excerpts from rule 3:
The solution to finding the shot is to find the now……. The whole exists already in the now:
In golf it’s well known that thinking itself ruins the shot by blocking the limitless abilities of the consciousness…….
Your golf swing can’t be postponed beyond a few minutes…only in the now will you find exactly what you are able to give the shot. In fact, the deeper you dive, past the tension and resistance, the more natural –the more like yourself- you will feel.

Time is the gift of moments that never end. Living in the perpetual now makes eternity possible. (p.93-96)

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